So, I'm sitting here at work and I don't want to be here at ALL. It is just so nice out and there are so many other things I could be doing rather than working. Well in order to hopefully distract my attention from not wanting to be here and to waste some time, I decided I would write a little bit here. I don't really know what I'm writing about yet, but we'll see what happens.
I think it's funny how we do stuff just because that's how they've always been done, even if it doesn't make sense to do it that way any more. That sounds kind of confusing, so let me give an example. Whenever I was with my dad while he was filling the car up with gas, I noticed that he always would pump enough gas in to get an exact dollar amount. This made sense when I was little because he payed with cash a lot and he didn't want to have pocket fulls of change (maybe that's where I get it from). But nowadays, he uses credit cards ALL the time when filling up the car, yet he still makes sure to go to that exact dollar amount. Even though there will be no extra change, and he could probably save some time, he still pays careful attention to how much he is paying. What's worse is that I still do that. Whenever I'm filling the car up with gas I make sure to get an exact dollar amount. It's just a habit. It doesn't make sense, but that's just what you're supposed to do. So it's weird that people sometimes do things out of habit rather than out of what makes the most sense.
On somewhat of a related note, I think it's funny to see how much you are like your parents, or even those around you. The gas story is a good example of that, but even thinking about mannerisms and the way you think and even sounds you make, they are all impacted by what those around us do. Well for me at least. For instance, all of those little grunts and other vocal noises that I make come from my dad in some way, and my attention to detail comes from my mom. Well here, let me make a short list of what I've stolen from my parents:
Dad - sounds, humor, laid-back-ness, introvert, way of thinking
Mom - attention to detail, love for sleep, love for singing, organization
And there are a lot more mannerisms that I know I didn't mention. I've found that I steal laughs from people too. If I hang around someone long enough and hear them laugh enough, I will actually start to laugh like them. That's kind of weird. Sometimes I even catch myself laughing based on who I am with, so my laugh will change within several hours even. So that's kind of crazy too.
Well these are just a couple things that I thought of. It's crazy how the mind works even subconsciously to lead to what we do and how we act. I guess I never really realized how much surroundings and parental examples could affect someone. I guess I'm really glad I have good examples to look at. Well I could probably just write for hours on end here, but then nobody will want to read it. This is getting pretty long as it is. Some people here are ALREADY leaving for the day, I guess that's what spring break does to people. Now I really wish I could leave. Oh well. I'll watch t.v. or something.